Well Woman Exam

Well-Woman visits are an essential part of your care in our practice.

A well-woman visit is recommended by age 21, and earlier if any medical issues or concerns exist.  An annual well-woman visit may include these reviews and examinations, depending on a woman’s age:

  • Review of your medical history and family history, and updates for any known medical conditions or ongoing treatments by your primary physician or other care providers.
  • A comprehensive physical examination, including a breast examination and discussion of breast self-examination, and a gynecologic (pelvic) examination.
  • Pap smear screening for cervical cancer and pre-cancer, with HPV testing, dependent on age.
  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections ( STI’s) when requested or if suggested by medical history.
  • Laboratory work including blood testing and urine testing when appropriate to evaluate medical conditions discussed at your visit or identified on your examination.
  • Discussion of annual screening mammography from age 40 and referral for mammograms.
  • Review  and discussion of other recommended screening examinations depending on age.
  • Provision of some recommended vaccinations ( HV vaccine, Tetanus and Whooping Cough vaccine).
  • Discussion of plans for pregnancy, when appropriate, and assistance in medical preparation for a pregnancy.
  • Discussion of any concern you may have regarding your home situation or social situation, including safety concerns.
  • Review with her primary care provider of any issues identified at your visit for which coordinated care is appropriate, or for which you would like to have reviewed.

Cancer screening is important at all ages. We pay attention to these important screenings:

  • Breast cancer screening – Breast self-examinations, office breast exams, mammography and review of personal and family risk factors.
  • Colon cancer screening – office examinations and stool screening.
  • Colonoscopy examinations by a GI specialist beginning at age 50 and occasionally earlier.
  • Cervical cancer screening at age 21 and after with Pap smears and associated tests.
  • Ovarian cancer screening is limited at present as there is no reliable screening test, although many have been studied and the search for a useful test continues.
  • Review of your personal and family history of cancers to identify possible hereditary risks of cancer and provision of genetic counseling by genetics specialists when appropriate.  We will also discuss, and provide for testing for genetic factors which may pre-dispose to certain cancers.